4057 rank

39,135,964 points

19,052 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Hphb    -=! Assassins !=-
Arvahall 4057 Hphb -=! Assassins !=- 39,135,964 19,052
Hphb    The traders🇳🇱
Brisgard 3879 Hphb The traders🇳🇱 38,587,474 9,063
Hphb    FreeFighters
Cirgard 5567 Hphb FreeFighters 13,026,536 9,118
Hphb    FreedomFighters
Fel Dranghyr 2831 Hphb FreedomFighters 9,969,250 7,498
Hphb    Hphb
Greifental 1626 Hphb Hphb 6,449,720 5,059
Hphb    Hphb
East-Nagach 5185 Hphb Hphb 5,645,043 3,628
Dinegu 6603 Hphb 5,161,195 3,174