7006 rank

6,589,318 points

8,902 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
devilmother    😈Rough & Rising😈
Greifental 417 devilmother 😈Rough & Rising😈 75,611,231 40,557
devilmother    Keymasters
Fel Dranghyr 2020 devilmother Keymasters 22,939,381 13,972
devilmother    Vrij mee spelen
Brisgard 5007 devilmother Vrij mee spelen 18,407,218 12,606
devilmother    Free of all 🦅🦅
Dinegu 4813 devilmother Free of all 🦅🦅 17,135,969 11,007
devilmother    dare devils
Arvahall 7006 devilmother dare devils 6,589,318 8,902