9424 rank

1,303,368 points

659 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Frech    DeVrijeWereld
East-Nagach 6350 Frech DeVrijeWereld 2,027,936 788
Frech    handel en wandel
Greifental 2266 Frech handel en wandel 2,020,175 876
Frech    Faith
Fel Dranghyr 4328 Frech Faith 1,991,552 758
Frech    The Sky is the Limit
Arvahall 9424 Frech The Sky is the Limit 1,303,368 659
Brisgard 12389 Frech 200,070 255
Cirgard 12843 Frech 137,460 229
Dinegu 12449 Frech 130,580 197