917 rank

441,895,175 points

126,626 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
mercure b    the north 2018
Arvahall 917 mercure b the north 2018 441,895,175 126,626
mercure b    ☠ Lekker rustig ☠
Brisgard 2701 mercure b ☠ Lekker rustig ☠ 86,208,862 33,893
mercure b    rustig aan
Cirgard 5971 mercure b rustig aan 9,932,455 6,045
mercure b    013 Brabant
Fel Dranghyr 5179 mercure b 013 Brabant 875,583 700
mercure b    The South 2022
Greifental 2915 mercure b The South 2022 722,505 1,553