4455 rank

26,392,336 points

7,389 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Jacobus de Hollander    Dirty Dozen 🌼
Arvahall 451 Jacobus de Hollander Dirty Dozen 🌼 856,758,705 89,349
Jacobus de Hollander    X marks the spot
Cirgard 3736 Jacobus de Hollander X marks the spot 42,404,993 8,778
Jacobus de Hollander    X marks the spot
Dinegu 3792 Jacobus de Hollander X marks the spot 35,057,140 10,484
Jacobus de Hollander    x marks the spot
Brisgard 4455 Jacobus de Hollander x marks the spot 26,392,336 7,389