4205 rank

33,465,623 points

23,098 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
DeepStreamline    Ff geen foe
Fel Dranghyr 260 DeepStreamline Ff geen foe 480,111,591 133,952
DeepStreamline    PermaBuilders
Arvahall 4402 DeepStreamline PermaBuilders 33,947,212 24,711
DeepStreamline    Nemesis.
Brisgard 4205 DeepStreamline Nemesis. 33,465,623 23,098
DeepStreamline    gildezondernaam
East-Nagach 3094 DeepStreamline gildezondernaam 30,231,884 20,256
DeepStreamline    Nederlandsch Koninkr
Cirgard 4548 DeepStreamline Nederlandsch Koninkr 26,868,766 19,322
DeepStreamline    the gold order
Dinegu 4304 DeepStreamline the gold order 26,227,156 18,269
DeepStreamline    The Ambassador.
Greifental 1129 DeepStreamline The Ambassador. 20,591,843 15,888