6634 rank

6,999,680 points

1,653 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
wilco12    *Sons of Anarchy*
Arvahall 6413 wilco12 *Sons of Anarchy* 10,042,147 2,270
wilco12    the scorserer
Brisgard 6634 wilco12 the scorserer 6,999,680 1,653
wilco12    Grunn
Fel Dranghyr 3444 wilco12 Grunn 6,015,385 1,803
wilco12    De Veroveraars
Dinegu 6433 wilco12 De Veroveraars 6,011,032 1,574
wilco12    Bontekoe
Cirgard 7350 wilco12 Bontekoe 4,173,689 1,552
East-Nagach 5823 wilco12 ANONYMOUS SAINTS 3,364,132 1,468
wilco12    Beverburcht
Greifental 2189 wilco12 Beverburcht 3,066,258 1,165