2126 rank

132,338,123 points

111,817 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
King of holland    🍐Zoete peren🍐
Cirgard 843 King of holland 🍐Zoete peren🍐 485,414,264 238,839
King of holland    Luie peren
Brisgard 2126 King of holland Luie peren 132,338,123 111,817
King of holland    ⚔️The Revolution⚔️
Arvahall 2646 King of holland ⚔️The Revolution⚔️ 100,027,878 61,180
King of holland    KINGS AND QUEENS
Dinegu 4283 King of holland KINGS AND QUEENS 24,971,733 13,063
King of holland    ⚔️Viking Valhalla⚔️
Greifental 2466 King of holland ⚔️Viking Valhalla⚔️ 1,394,180 1,752