7485 rank

3,944,478 points

1,794 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
IlonaZ    Gladiator
Greifental 1846 IlonaZ Gladiator 6,544,002 9,794
IlonaZ    Carpe Diem Momentum
Brisgard 7485 IlonaZ Carpe Diem Momentum 3,944,478 1,794
Arvahall 11371 IlonaZ 419,309 577
IlonaZ    The Real Carpe Diem
Fel Dranghyr 7001 IlonaZ The Real Carpe Diem 259,945 679
IlonaZ    ZiggyStardust
Cirgard 12284 IlonaZ ZiggyStardust 177,473 349
IlonaZ    Biggus Dickus
East-Nagach 10761 IlonaZ Biggus Dickus 118,998 408
Dinegu 13721 IlonaZ 54,699 76