2331 rank

123,682,750 points

128,419 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Big Caranthir    De Zwervers
Brisgard 2331 Big Caranthir De Zwervers 123,682,750 128,419
Big Caranthir    ♣ Buluc Chabtan ♣
Dinegu 2399 Big Caranthir ♣ Buluc Chabtan ♣ 111,897,283 103,848
Big Caranthir    New Empire of Heroes
East-Nagach 2345 Big Caranthir New Empire of Heroes 57,797,250 57,359
Big Caranthir    MacGyver
Fel Dranghyr 1722 Big Caranthir MacGyver 37,230,341 55,774