6740 rank

6,264,926 points

1,607 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tiens IV    The gentlemen’s club
Arvahall 5690 Tiens IV The gentlemen’s club 14,559,997 2,893
Tiens IV    🇧🇪🍺The Pub 🍺🇧🇪
Cirgard 6706 Tiens IV 🇧🇪🍺The Pub 🍺🇧🇪 6,271,075 1,478
Tiens IV    King Tiens
Brisgard 6740 Tiens IV King Tiens 6,264,926 1,607
Tiens IV    Vlaamsche Leeuwen
East-Nagach 5497 Tiens IV Vlaamsche Leeuwen 4,290,213 1,261