3804 rank

43,728,894 points

14,131 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
mautjethopi    The Last Legion
Greifental 23 mautjethopi The Last Legion 1,377,649,958 279,345
mautjethopi    On the beach 🏖️
Arvahall 1041 mautjethopi On the beach 🏖️ 433,456,294 84,148
mautjethopi    Force of Friends
Brisgard 1477 mautjethopi Force of Friends 253,804,104 58,004
mautjethopi    WSS - Why So Serious
Cirgard 3804 mautjethopi WSS - Why So Serious 43,728,894 14,131
mautjethopi    The Saviors
Dinegu 11656 mautjethopi The Saviors 200,768 69
mautjethopi    vrije gilde
East-Nagach 10012 mautjethopi vrije gilde 192,683 50
mautjethopi    Mandolor
Fel Dranghyr 7636 mautjethopi Mandolor 161,039 63