8348 rank

1,957,610 points

2,490 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
FantasticKarel    Kracht & Vrijheid
Dinegu 5070 FantasticKarel Kracht & Vrijheid 14,231,444 6,150
FantasticKarel    the force
East-Nagach 6132 FantasticKarel the force 2,476,991 3,043
FantasticKarel    123 schetkonterij
Cirgard 8348 FantasticKarel 123 schetkonterij 1,957,610 2,490
FantasticKarel    ncis
Brisgard 8517 FantasticKarel ncis 1,818,248 1,292
FantasticKarel    Vrij Handels Gilde
Arvahall 9616 FantasticKarel Vrij Handels Gilde 1,161,269 872