3552 rank

48,263,412 points

19,920 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Wonderwoman the 1st    on my own
Brisgard 3504 Wonderwoman the 1st on my own 48,916,826 20,075
Wonderwoman the 1st    on my own
Cirgard 3552 Wonderwoman the 1st on my own 48,263,412 19,920
Wonderwoman the 1st    On my own
Dinegu 4954 Wonderwoman the 1st On my own 15,581,926 6,010
Wonderwoman the 1st    On my own
Fel Dranghyr 2951 Wonderwoman the 1st On my own 8,696,479 4,738
Wonderwoman the 1st    on my own
Arvahall 7026 Wonderwoman the 1st on my own 6,534,733 4,412