1672 rank

228,381,017 points

29,329 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
pjotr57    Lange Neuzen Gilde
Cirgard 1672 pjotr57 Lange Neuzen Gilde 228,381,017 29,329
pjotr57    Pee yellow
Brisgard 2151 pjotr57 Pee yellow 147,605,838 20,710
pjotr57    Walhalla Experts
Arvahall 2774 pjotr57 Walhalla Experts 103,542,984 13,573
pjotr57    The Knights Niii
Dinegu 2714 pjotr57 The Knights Niii 88,889,254 14,669
pjotr57    The MyceeniĆ«rs
East-Nagach 2068 pjotr57 The Myceeniƫrs 79,235,253 11,160
pjotr57    handel en wandel
Greifental 1266 pjotr57 handel en wandel 18,033,515 6,361