8394 rank

1,894,129 points

992 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
aps*    Angels&Brotherhood
Greifental 196 aps* Angels&Brotherhood 211,258,040 74,996
aps*    Belgian beer
Arvahall 2723 aps* Belgian beer 98,886,733 32,139
aps*    Lords of Aotearoa
Brisgard 4960 aps* Lords of Aotearoa 19,395,059 8,053
Fel Dranghyr 2281 aps* 18,241,051 10,268
East-Nagach 4937 aps* 7,003,767 2,468
aps*    idlers
Dinegu 7680 aps* idlers 2,316,683 1,632
aps*    idlers
Cirgard 8394 aps* idlers 1,894,129 992