4358 rank

30,402,577 points

8,513 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
stamp6    The gentlemen’s club
Arvahall 1827 stamp6 The gentlemen’s club 206,886,513 33,448
stamp6    TIA
Brisgard 4066 stamp6 TIA 36,602,506 10,088
stamp6    Ontketend
Cirgard 4358 stamp6 Ontketend 30,402,577 8,513
stamp6    sleutel tot succes
Dinegu 4095 stamp6 sleutel tot succes 30,001,159 7,453
stamp6    roboréis axibus
East-Nagach 3284 stamp6 roboréis axibus 25,752,779 7,659
stamp6    Invictus game
Fel Dranghyr 2045 stamp6 Invictus game 25,522,540 6,178
Greifental 1026 stamp6 24,221,024 5,784