3552 rank

52,001,952 points

15,355 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Henry the Fox    The Doomlords
Arvahall 1978 Henry the Fox The Doomlords 181,943,333 75,083
Henry the Fox    Samen Sterker
Fel Dranghyr 1093 Henry the Fox Samen Sterker 85,011,171 15,074
Henry the Fox    TarGERyen 2
Brisgard 2980 Henry the Fox TarGERyen 2 75,529,961 28,193
Henry the Fox    Masters of Starlight
Dinegu 3188 Henry the Fox Masters of Starlight 57,494,240 11,668
Henry the Fox    Afterlife 2
Cirgard 3552 Henry the Fox Afterlife 2 52,001,952 15,355
Henry the Fox    de calimero's
East-Nagach 2449 Henry the Fox de calimero's 51,861,737 18,150