6244 rank

8,526,989 points

4,988 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Milan the White    Moord Konijntjes
Greifental 480 Milan the White Moord Konijntjes 84,217,290 49,582
Milan the White    🏴‍☠️.Guns & Roses🌹
Cirgard 6244 Milan the White 🏴‍☠️.Guns & Roses🌹 8,526,989 4,988
Milan the White    Guns & Roses
Fel Dranghyr 4411 Milan the White Guns & Roses 2,021,673 2,679
Milan the White    Guns & Roses
East-Nagach 7443 Milan the White Guns & Roses 930,237 2,072