9755 rank

859,710 points

606 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Gysheul    Knights of Orange
Brisgard 9356 Gysheul Knights of Orange 1,131,186 488
Gysheul    lambs and lions
Arvahall 9793 Gysheul lambs and lions 1,084,773 676
Gysheul    De ongedwongende
Dinegu 9241 Gysheul De ongedwongende 898,806 490
Gysheul    Lange Neuzen Gilde
Cirgard 9755 Gysheul Lange Neuzen Gilde 859,710 606
Gysheul    Belastinginners
Fel Dranghyr 5217 Gysheul Belastinginners 744,982 491
Gysheul    De Republiek
East-Nagach 8214 Gysheul De Republiek 601,855 454
Gysheul    Brabantia
Greifental 2738 Gysheul Brabantia 552,765 460