6556 rank

6,819,391 points

14,678 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Velociraptor    Force of Friends
Brisgard 5289 Velociraptor Force of Friends 15,418,928 27,706
Velociraptor    Mount Everest
Greifental 1255 Velociraptor Mount Everest 11,968,398 20,236
Velociraptor    Evoluon
Arvahall 6404 Velociraptor Evoluon 9,519,222 15,995
Velociraptor    👸 Black Beauty's 🤴
East-Nagach 4460 Velociraptor 👸 Black Beauty's 🤴 9,512,714 15,866
Velociraptor    Cars
Fel Dranghyr 2920 Velociraptor Cars 8,996,219 16,219
Velociraptor    Orion
Dinegu 6057 Velociraptor Orion 7,487,357 19,311
Velociraptor    Vlaamse Leeuw
Cirgard 6556 Velociraptor Vlaamse Leeuw 6,819,391 14,678