5130 rank

14,291,491 points

3,880 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
StyXxie Resurrected    Zottenkot
Cirgard 578 StyXxie Resurrected Zottenkot 780,589,043 231,292
StyXxie Resurrected    The Last Legion
Greifental 112 StyXxie Resurrected The Last Legion 443,785,386 157,461
StyXxie Resurrected    🤍- Bels Angels -🤍
East-Nagach 1476 StyXxie Resurrected 🤍- Bels Angels -🤍 139,318,004 41,869
StyXxie Resurrected   
Brisgard 3782 StyXxie Resurrected 44,458,710 25,273
StyXxie Resurrected    💖 - Bels Angels -💖
Arvahall 5024 StyXxie Resurrected 💖 - Bels Angels -💖 22,946,570 12,351
StyXxie Resurrected    -💖 Bels Angels 💖-
Fel Dranghyr 2495 StyXxie Resurrected -💖 Bels Angels 💖- 15,636,766 7,078
StyXxie Resurrected    💖 bels angels 💖
Dinegu 5130 StyXxie Resurrected 💖 bels angels 💖 14,291,491 3,880