6562 rank

5,450,772 points

1,613 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Consul    The Apple Bearers 🍎
Cirgard 3616 Consul The Apple Bearers 🍎 50,115,762 5,803
Consul    The strife
Greifental 862 Consul The strife 33,507,361 4,812
Consul    Anathema
Arvahall 5318 Consul Anathema 19,065,188 3,319
Consul    De Beginners
East-Nagach 4559 Consul De Beginners 9,451,676 2,279
Consul    Lekker relaxt
Brisgard 6196 Consul Lekker relaxt 9,328,201 1,862
Consul    Het Oude Gildehuis
Dinegu 6562 Consul Het Oude Gildehuis 5,450,772 1,613