5053 rank

15,093,751 points

6,505 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dinegu 5053 FantasticKarel 15,093,751 6,505
FantasticKarel    the force
East-Nagach 6111 FantasticKarel the force 2,611,482 3,093
FantasticKarel    123 schetkonterij
Cirgard 8206 FantasticKarel 123 schetkonterij 2,142,953 2,560
FantasticKarel    ncis
Brisgard 8254 FantasticKarel ncis 2,137,452 1,356
FantasticKarel    Vrij Handels Gilde
Arvahall 9262 FantasticKarel Vrij Handels Gilde 1,431,603 989