1750 rank

172,257,015 points

48,311 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
NovdRem the Tall   
Dinegu 1750 NovdRem the Tall 172,257,015 48,311
NovdRem the Tall   
Arvahall 10125 NovdRem the Tall 857,086 1,157
NovdRem the Tall   
Brisgard 14482 NovdRem the Tall 61,510 133
NovdRem the Tall   
East-Nagach 12121 NovdRem the Tall 52,903 82
NovdRem the Tall   
Greifental 5548 NovdRem the Tall 37,056 205
NovdRem the Tall   
Cirgard 15634 NovdRem the Tall 28,985 128
NovdRem the Tall   
Fel Dranghyr 10291 NovdRem the Tall 27,560 65