1533 rank

182,257,281 points

57,147 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
The Warrior 001   
East-Nagach 292 The Warrior 001 653,667,560 161,002
The Warrior 001    Moord Konijntjes
Greifental 28 The Warrior 001 Moord Konijntjes 540,394,371 139,307
The Warrior 001   
Fel Dranghyr 214 The Warrior 001 374,368,998 122,677
The Warrior 001   
Dinegu 1533 The Warrior 001 182,257,281 57,147
The Warrior 001   
Cirgard 2124 The Warrior 001 116,741,373 27,159
The Warrior 001   
Arvahall 3764 The Warrior 001 41,277,761 12,960
The Warrior 001   
Brisgard 3741 The Warrior 001 37,385,668 8,530