4815 rank

18,330,918 points

2,515 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Paul the Great    DHPC
Arvahall 2595 Paul the Great DHPC 117,315,099 24,134
Paul the Great    Vrije handel
Brisgard 4560 Paul the Great Vrije handel 26,993,026 2,695
Paul the Great   
Dinegu 4815 Paul the Great 18,330,918 2,515
Paul the Great   
Cirgard 5204 Paul the Great 17,650,864 2,252
Paul the Great   
East-Nagach 3892 Paul the Great 16,246,039 2,279
Paul the Great   
Fel Dranghyr 2640 Paul the Great 13,989,722 2,350