1652 rank

216,875,189 points

33,986 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
9shocktony    Let's Go
Arvahall 1537 9shocktony Let's Go 278,971,212 46,011
9shocktony    Knights of Orange
Brisgard 1581 9shocktony Knights of Orange 240,359,416 38,005
9shocktony    Vlaanderen2
Cirgard 1648 9shocktony Vlaanderen2 233,080,478 39,618
9shocktony    Private Shield
Dinegu 1652 9shocktony Private Shield 216,875,189 33,986
9shocktony    Geen Keus
East-Nagach 1209 9shocktony Geen Keus 195,227,247 31,725
9shocktony    Faith
Fel Dranghyr 751 9shocktony Faith 158,833,319 31,923
9shocktony    Blauw Wit Rood
Greifental 394 9shocktony Blauw Wit Rood 120,617,922 27,485