1892 rank

169,639,422 points

114,453 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bronco1968    Toren C
Cirgard 1856 Bronco1968 Toren C 189,579,522 118,198
Bronco1968    Broeders & Zusters
Dinegu 1892 Bronco1968 Broeders & Zusters 169,639,422 114,453
Bronco1968    Wees welkom
Fel Dranghyr 707 Bronco1968 Wees welkom 163,242,089 105,861
Bronco1968    The jurassic world🦖
East-Nagach 1461 Bronco1968 The jurassic world🦖 144,890,227 107,574
Bronco1968    🔷️ PLEZIER 🔷️
Arvahall 2367 Bronco1968 🔷️ PLEZIER 🔷️ 135,043,127 94,978