6634 rank

5,218,990 points

3,182 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Hphb    The traders🇳🇱
Brisgard 3492 Hphb The traders🇳🇱 54,351,104 13,515
Hphb    -=! Assassins !=-
Arvahall 3783 Hphb -=! Assassins !=- 52,610,686 25,324
Cirgard 5442 Hphb 15,094,418 9,689
Hphb    🗽♦️Liberty Bell♦️🗽
Fel Dranghyr 2596 Hphb 🗽♦️Liberty Bell♦️🗽 14,762,922 11,461
Hphb    Hphb
Greifental 1427 Hphb Hphb 13,167,876 11,537
Hphb    Hphb
East-Nagach 5221 Hphb Hphb 5,772,930 3,631
Dinegu 6634 Hphb 5,218,990 3,182