2759 rank

83,536,209 points

22,288 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Mackenhof    Game of Thrones D
Dinegu 2759 Mackenhof Game of Thrones D 83,536,209 22,288
Mackenhof    Game of Thrones
Fel Dranghyr 1172 Mackenhof Game of Thrones 76,752,093 23,675
Mackenhof    Game of Thrones
Cirgard 5714 Mackenhof Game of Thrones 12,563,043 5,908
Mackenhof    De Nationalisten
Arvahall 6489 Mackenhof De Nationalisten 9,562,927 4,526
Mackenhof    Game of Thrones
East-Nagach 4910 Mackenhof Game of Thrones 7,320,989 3,732
Mackenhof    Game of Thrones
Brisgard 6774 Mackenhof Game of Thrones 6,370,594 3,986
Mackenhof    Game of Thrones
Greifental 2732 Mackenhof Game of Thrones 1,259,525 1,470