4205 rank

10,937,279 points

9,501 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Amortino the Great    Amici
Arvahall 192 Amortino the Great Amici 1,256,564,706 266,380
Amortino the Great    amici
Dinegu 1075 Amortino the Great amici 323,237,697 90,506
Amortino the Great    Amici
Brisgard 2637 Amortino the Great Amici 83,500,382 41,668
Amortino the Great    amici
Cirgard 2714 Amortino the Great amici 82,661,167 40,661
Amortino the Great    amici
Fel Dranghyr 1733 Amortino the Great amici 28,098,465 10,474
Amortino the Great    De magische mythe
East-Nagach 4205 Amortino the Great De magische mythe 10,937,279 9,501