4310 rank

10,652,136 points

9,772 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
humanitas    kikkerbil
Brisgard 5011 humanitas kikkerbil 18,445,773 13,763
humanitas    WSS - Why So Serious
Cirgard 5564 humanitas WSS - Why So Serious 13,021,070 10,967
humanitas    NEW FORCE
Arvahall 5906 humanitas NEW FORCE 12,837,790 13,040
humanitas    DivineLove
East-Nagach 4310 humanitas DivineLove 10,652,136 9,772
humanitas    The Diamonds Knights
Dinegu 6129 humanitas The Diamonds Knights 7,105,582 10,589
humanitas    -💖 Bels Angels 💖-
Fel Dranghyr 3249 humanitas -💖 Bels Angels 💖- 6,564,185 11,965