7868 rank

705,297 points

249 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
eSTee-O    Targaryen
Dinegu 2779 eSTee-O Targaryen 81,319,570 17,677
eSTee-O    The Reds
Brisgard 3731 eSTee-O The Reds 45,717,834 61,394
Greifental 964 eSTee-O 27,698,540 40,133
eSTee-O    frysian army
East-Nagach 7868 eSTee-O frysian army 705,297 249
eSTee-O    Hogwartz
Fel Dranghyr 6927 eSTee-O Hogwartz 261,254 452
Cirgard 15671 eSTee-O 26,471 8