5254 rank

5,563,640 points

3,760 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
seppe12539    The Pathfinders
Dinegu 525 seppe12539 The Pathfinders 822,009,461 248,071
seppe12539    Op Koers 🐁📣
East-Nagach 5254 seppe12539 Op Koers 🐁📣 5,563,640 3,760
seppe12539    IJzertijd
Greifental 2662 seppe12539 IJzertijd 1,352,596 8,992
seppe12539    Arvaguardians Lite
Arvahall 11133 seppe12539 Arvaguardians Lite 477,371 417
seppe12539    plonzers
Fel Dranghyr 6614 seppe12539 plonzers 324,240 274
seppe12539    Knights Cross
Brisgard 12723 seppe12539 Knights Cross 159,701 284
seppe12539    The Royal Dutch
Cirgard 12535 seppe12539 The Royal Dutch 155,971 267