1770 rank

79,477,305 points

15,875 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bpz2070    💫 Magic 💫
East-Nagach 1770 Bpz2070 💫 Magic 💫 79,477,305 15,875
Bpz2070    The 7 Kingdoms
Arvahall 2903 Bpz2070 The 7 Kingdoms 72,329,960 13,140
Bpz2070    Senex Legio 50+
Cirgard 3949 Bpz2070 Senex Legio 50+ 32,955,365 9,424
Bpz2070    the ambassador
Brisgard 4336 Bpz2070 the ambassador 25,329,345 11,569