6573 rank

1,691,605 points

691 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ccss    dreamworld
Cirgard 7252 ccss dreamworld 4,338,432 480
ccss    Starters
Brisgard 7480 ccss Starters 3,892,625 431
Fel Dranghyr 3948 ccss CAMELOT'S RIDDERS 3,119,460 829
ccss    The dark side
Arvahall 8168 ccss The dark side 3,019,757 439
ccss    Prophecy Of Kings
East-Nagach 6573 ccss Prophecy Of Kings 1,691,605 691
ccss    The Merchants
Dinegu 8563 ccss The Merchants 1,278,027 319
ccss    Vliegende Hollanders
Greifental 2836 ccss Vliegende Hollanders 835,445 384