2257 rank

58,323,459 points

29,444 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ohh nee    🔰Forged Alliance🔰
Arvahall 1257 ohh nee 🔰Forged Alliance🔰 310,642,577 78,894
ohh nee    🏴‍☠️ Port Royal 💣
Fel Dranghyr 834 ohh nee 🏴‍☠️ Port Royal 💣 110,537,671 62,741
ohh nee    Empire of Heroes
East-Nagach 2257 ohh nee Empire of Heroes 58,323,459 29,444
ohh nee    Ohh nee
Greifental 841 ohh nee Ohh nee 25,864,038 18,759
ohh nee    Rotary
Brisgard 5097 ohh nee Rotary 17,413,278 21,938