9944 rank

225,289 points

237 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Steefneef    Band of Brothers 24
Dinegu 2474 Steefneef Band of Brothers 24 82,645,935 22,054
Arvahall 3229 Steefneef 58,726,356 16,481
Cirgard 3382 Steefneef 48,590,603 13,864
Fel Dranghyr 1535 Steefneef 31,704,701 12,698
Steefneef    veur de leute
Greifental 3267 Steefneef veur de leute 271,746 665
Steefneef    🇳🇱Rebelnation 2.0
East-Nagach 9944 Steefneef 🇳🇱Rebelnation 2.0 225,289 237