483 rank

264,691,202 points

98,725 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bertus Plotseling    The Fallen Angels
Fel Dranghyr 483 Bertus Plotseling The Fallen Angels 264,691,202 98,725
Bertus Plotseling   
Greifental 203 Bertus Plotseling 255,693,426 85,747
Bertus Plotseling   
East-Nagach 1584 Bertus Plotseling 125,350,322 32,927
Bertus Plotseling   
Cirgard 8105 Bertus Plotseling 2,325,403 5,113
Bertus Plotseling   
Dinegu 7962 Bertus Plotseling 1,860,469 3,748