2656 rank

11,582,139 points

9,389 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Hubertus the Great    DOEN 2.0!!!
East-Nagach 232 Hubertus the Great DOEN 2.0!!! 967,028,768 175,753
Hubertus the Great    DOEN 2.0!!!
Cirgard 4233 Hubertus the Great DOEN 2.0!!! 30,689,316 12,349
Hubertus the Great    DOEN 2.0!!!
Fel Dranghyr 2656 Hubertus the Great DOEN 2.0!!! 11,582,139 9,389
Hubertus the Great    DOEN 2.0!!!
Dinegu 5401 Hubertus the Great DOEN 2.0!!! 11,509,702 8,476
Hubertus the Great    DOEN 2.0!!!
Arvahall 6138 Hubertus the Great DOEN 2.0!!! 11,139,483 9,655
Hubertus the Great    DOEN 2.0!!!
Brisgard 5829 Hubertus the Great DOEN 2.0!!! 10,978,598 9,928