1141 rank

83,148,788 points

39,811 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bartinho    The Challenge
Dinegu 191 Bartinho The Challenge 1,690,349,550 369,310
Bartinho    Avanti Knights
Arvahall 874 Bartinho Avanti Knights 544,849,741 85,858
Bartinho    ⚔ HunterForge ⚔
Brisgard 1716 Bartinho ⚔ HunterForge ⚔ 208,857,626 89,495
Bartinho    IGR to play
Fel Dranghyr 1141 Bartinho IGR to play 83,148,788 39,811
Bartinho    Bougainville
Cirgard 3242 Bartinho Bougainville 67,408,602 28,207
Bartinho    Flowerpower 🌺
East-Nagach 2455 Bartinho Flowerpower 🌺 53,115,862 29,417
Bartinho    🦉Owls & Unicorns🦄
Greifental 732 Bartinho 🦉Owls & Unicorns🦄 48,572,176 36,200