3947 rank

3,500,866 points

866 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
The Dutchess    The Fronteers
Dinegu 688 The Dutchess The Fronteers 649,384,103 206,998
The Dutchess    Toren C Academie
Cirgard 3000 The Dutchess Toren C Academie 77,999,403 39,675
The Dutchess    Andor's Realm
Brisgard 3195 The Dutchess Andor's Realm 65,687,079 58,076
The Dutchess    Deshima’s haven
Arvahall 3939 The Dutchess Deshima’s haven 46,358,167 43,883
The Dutchess    Andor's Realm
East-Nagach 3417 The Dutchess Andor's Realm 23,203,416 11,422
The Dutchess    Andor's Realm
Fel Dranghyr 3947 The Dutchess Andor's Realm 3,500,866 866
The Dutchess    Andor's Realm
Greifental 2251 The Dutchess Andor's Realm 2,861,900 703