6363 rank

415,322 points

115 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
alfredo1680    sint kruis
Arvahall 8292 alfredo1680 sint kruis 2,863,283 334
alfredo1680    Belgica
Brisgard 8227 alfredo1680 Belgica 2,175,002 286
alfredo1680    Gilde voor beginners
Cirgard 8523 alfredo1680 Gilde voor beginners 1,680,112 260
alfredo1680    Lone wolves
East-Nagach 6742 alfredo1680 Lone wolves 1,543,337 277
alfredo1680    Pink Floyd
Dinegu 8914 alfredo1680 Pink Floyd 1,006,502 248
alfredo1680    the firstkey
Fel Dranghyr 6363 alfredo1680 the firstkey 415,322 115