3664 rank

4,783,275 points

7,164 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Seconddream    Kamp Relentless
Cirgard 1573 Seconddream Kamp Relentless 247,208,986 154,188
Seconddream    New Empire of Heroes
East-Nagach 1285 Seconddream New Empire of Heroes 172,622,370 129,836
Brisgard 3464 Seconddream 54,078,628 36,991
Seconddream    Balado
Arvahall 5858 Seconddream Balado 14,023,310 13,121
Seconddream    Het Slakkenhuis
Fel Dranghyr 3664 Seconddream Het Slakkenhuis 4,783,275 7,164
Seconddream    De Kaaskopjes
Dinegu 7533 Seconddream De Kaaskopjes 2,570,248 8,004
Seconddream    Kruip Olie
Greifental 2579 Seconddream Kruip Olie 1,588,469 3,898