444 rank

192,981,677 points

38,429 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
movieman55    universe
Fel Dranghyr 444 movieman55 universe 192,981,677 38,429
movieman55    THE LION"S DEN
Cirgard 2956 movieman55 THE LION"S DEN 65,713,174 21,156
movieman55    THE LION"S DEN
Arvahall 3058 movieman55 THE LION"S DEN 65,230,399 7,519
Brisgard 2901 movieman55 64,519,708 6,304
movieman55    THE LION"S DEN
Dinegu 2829 movieman55 THE LION"S DEN 61,645,497 19,853
movieman55    THE LION"S DEN
East-Nagach 3142 movieman55 THE LION"S DEN 23,477,151 4,760