322 rank

346,027,453 points

158,472 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Smaug the Destroyer    Strafkamp C
Cirgard 158 Smaug the Destroyer Strafkamp C 1,607,028,131 429,702
Smaug the Destroyer    🐶Doggybag🐶
Fel Dranghyr 322 Smaug the Destroyer 🐶Doggybag🐶 346,027,453 158,472
Smaug the Destroyer    ✨Shameless✨
Brisgard 1929 Smaug the Destroyer ✨Shameless✨ 154,371,716 91,981
Smaug the Destroyer    De Muiterij
East-Nagach 1409 Smaug the Destroyer De Muiterij 137,293,432 74,303
Smaug the Destroyer    🌼 Positive Vibe 🌼
Dinegu 2064 Smaug the Destroyer 🌼 Positive Vibe 🌼 131,287,489 66,067