1583 rank

45,575,389 points

60,672 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Big Caranthir    De Zwervers
Brisgard 2256 Big Caranthir De Zwervers 135,296,332 132,262
Big Caranthir    ♣ Buluc Chabtan ♣
Dinegu 2302 Big Caranthir ♣ Buluc Chabtan ♣ 123,002,564 108,954
Big Caranthir    New Empire of Heroes
East-Nagach 2226 Big Caranthir New Empire of Heroes 66,924,782 60,413
Big Caranthir    MacGyver
Fel Dranghyr 1583 Big Caranthir MacGyver 45,575,389 60,672