3487 rank

5,958,225 points

901 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
stella3000    maas en waal
Arvahall 6487 stella3000 maas en waal 9,659,134 1,067
stella3000    Order of the Rose
Cirgard 6183 stella3000 Order of the Rose 9,010,589 1,142
stella3000    4fun
East-Nagach 4798 stella3000 4fun 8,181,521 863
stella3000    Forge of Empires NL
Brisgard 6472 stella3000 Forge of Empires NL 7,847,757 851
stella3000    K & G
Dinegu 6292 stella3000 K & G 6,648,083 901
stella3000    2020
Fel Dranghyr 3487 stella3000 2020 5,958,225 901