1825 rank

34,238,220 points

65,384 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Meij from the mountain    ⚔ HunterForge ⚔
Brisgard 1086 Meij from the mountain ⚔ HunterForge ⚔ 394,532,113 181,265
Meij from the mountain    Sterker door Strijd
Cirgard 2420 Meij from the mountain Sterker door Strijd 121,459,483 113,549
Meij from the mountain    ⚔ HunterForge ⚔
Fel Dranghyr 1825 Meij from the mountain ⚔ HunterForge ⚔ 34,238,220 65,384